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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl

Changes orientation of the given rectangle according to parameters.


void avl::NormalizeRectangleOrientation
	const avl::Rectangle2D& inRectangle,
	const float inReferenceAngle,
	const avl::RectangleOrientation::Type inRectangleOrientation,
	avl::Rectangle2D& outRectangle


Name Type Default Description
Input value
inRectangle const Rectangle2D& Input rectangle
Input value
inReferenceAngle const float 0.0f The middle angle of the valid range of the output rectangle's angle
Input value
inRectangleOrientation const RectangleOrientation::Type Horizontal Orientation of the output rectangle
Output value
outRectangle Rectangle2D&

In-place Processing

This function supports in-place data processing - you can pass the same reference to inRectangle and outRectangle

Read more about In-place Computation.


The operation changes the input rectangle's marked corner so the output rectangle's rotation angle is the lowest possible not lower than inReferenceAngle - 90 satisfying the inRectangleOrientation parameter at the same time. Some sample parameters configurations are:
  • inReferenceAngle = 90, inRectangleOrientation = Any – the marked corner will have the least y coordinate possible
  • inReferenceAngle = 0, inRectangleOrientation = Any – the marked corner will have the least x coordinate possible
  • inRectangleOrientation = Horizontal – the output rectangle's width will be not shorter than its height
  • inRectangleOrientation = Vertical – the output rectangle's height will be not shorter than its width


NormalizeRectangleOrientation performed on a sample rectangle with inReferenceAngle = 90 and inRectangleOrientation = Any.