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You are here: Start » Geometry 2D » Geometry 2D Features » PointsBoundingRectangle_OrNil


Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl

Computes the smallest rectangle containing an array of points; returns NIL when the array is empty.


void avl::PointsBoundingRectangle_OrNil
	const atl::Array<avl::Point2D>& inPoints,
	avl::BoundingRectangleFeature::Type inBoundingRectangleFeature,
	float inReferenceAngle,
	avl::RectangleOrientation::Type inRectangleOrientation,
	atl::Conditional<avl::Rectangle2D>& outBoundingRectangle,
	atl::Conditional<avl::Point2D>& outCenter,
	atl::Conditional<float>& outLongSide,
	atl::Conditional<float>& outShortSide


Name Type Default Description
Input value
inPoints const Array<Point2D>& Input array of points
Input value
inBoundingRectangleFeature BoundingRectangleFeature::Type MinimalArea Determines what kind of bounding rectangle will be computed
Input value
inReferenceAngle float 0.0f The middle angle of the valid range of the output rectangle's angle
Input value
inRectangleOrientation RectangleOrientation::Type Horizontal Orientation of the output rectangle
Output value
outBoundingRectangle Conditional<Rectangle2D>& Smallest bounding rectangle of the input points
Output value
outCenter Conditional<Point2D>& Center of the bounding rectangle
Output value
outLongSide Conditional<float>& Length of the bounding rectangle long side
Output value
outShortSide Conditional<float>& Length of the bounding rectangle short side