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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl

Creates an arc from an aligned point, radius, and angle range.


void avl::CreateArc
	const avl::Point2D& inPoint,
	avl::Anchor2D::Type inPointAnchor,
	float inRadius,
	float inStartAngle,
	float inSweepAngle,
	avl::Arc2D& outArc


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value
inPoint const Point2D&
Input value
inPointAnchor Anchor2D::Type MiddleCenter Alignment of the point relatively to the box of the circle
Input value
inRadius float 0.0 - Circle radius
Input value
inStartAngle float Direction at which the arc begins
Input value
inSweepAngle float Length of the arc (may be negative)
Output value
outArc Arc2D&