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Header: STD.h
Namespace: avl

Removes single file.


void avl::RemoveFile_Single
	const atl::File& inFile,
	bool& outSuccess


Name Type Default Description
Input value
inFile const File&
Output value
outSuccess bool&


inMask pattern string
Port inMask specifies wildcard pattern that selects files this filter will operate on. Supported wildcards:
  • * - any string of characters, including no characters
  • ? - exactly one character
You can use any expression like examples below:
  • * - all files,
  • *.jpg - files only with extension .jpg,
  • Filename.* - files with name "Filename" and any extension, including no extension e.g. "Filename."
  • Filename.?? - files with name "Filename" and two letter extension,


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError inFile does not exist in RemoveFile.
DomainError inFile is not a normal file in RemoveFile.

See Also

  • FindFiles – Returns files of the input directory.