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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl

Changes the dimensions of a box.


void avl::ResizeBox
	const avl::Box& inBox,
	avl::Anchor2D::Type inAnchor,
	atl::Optional<int> inNewWidth,
	atl::Optional<int> inNewHeight,
	avl::Box& outBox


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value
inBox const Box& Input box
Input value
inAnchor Anchor2D::Type TopLeft Point of the box which position will not change
Input value
inNewWidth Optional<int> 0 - NIL Target width of the box
Input value
inNewHeight Optional<int> 0 - NIL Target height of the box
Output value
outBox Box& Resized box

In-place Processing

This function supports in-place data processing - you can pass the same reference to inBox and outBox

Read more about In-place Computation.


The operation changes dimensions of input Box to (inNewWidth, inNewHeight).

See Also