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Image Analysis

CheckPresence_EdgeAmountQuick and easy presence verification, e.g. for missing caps, screws, labels.
CheckPresence_IntensityQuick and easy presence verification, e.g. for missing caps, screws, labels.
CheckPresence_PixelAmountQuick and easy presence verification, e.g. for missing caps, screws, labels.
CompareGoldenTemplate_EdgesFinding general object defects by analyzing missing or excessive edges.
CompareGoldenTemplate_IntensityFinding general object defects by analyzing brightness deviations from a template image.
CreateGoldenTemplate_EdgesCreates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges filter.
CreateGoldenTemplate_IntensityCreates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity filter.
CreateMeasurementMap(Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function.
DetectCorners_CornerResponseDetection of characteristic points on an image.
DetectCorners_FoerstnerDetection of characteristic points on an image.
DetectLinePeakFinds line peaks on an image.
DetectLinePeak_GaussFinds line peaks on an image.
ExtractBlobs_ColorSegments an image into blobs by color-based thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_DoGSegments an image into blobs by thresholding Difference of Gaussians.
ExtractBlobs_DynamicSegments an image into blobs by dynamic thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_IntensitySegments an image into blobs by thresholding.
ImageWatershedsComputes dark basins which are separated by at least inThreshold height watershed.
MeasureObjectWidthEasy and precise measurement of distances between to straight parallel edges.
SegmentImage_ColorDetection of objects of undefined shape, but characterized by uniform color and good contrast to the background.
SegmentImage_EdgesDetection of objects of undefined shape, but characterized by good contrast to the background and fairly uniform internal brightness.
SegmentImage_GrayDetection of objects of undefined shape, but characterized by uniform brightness and good contrast to the background.