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Computes the smallest rectangle containing a path.


void avl::PathBoundingRectangle
	const avl::Path& inPath,
	avl::BoundingRectangleFeature::Type inBoundingRectangleFeature,
	float inReferenceAngle,
	avl::RectangleOrientation::Type inRectangleOrientation,
	avl::Rectangle2D& outBoundingRectangle,
	atl::Optional<avl::Point2D&> outCenter = atl::NIL,
	atl::Optional<float&> outLongSide = atl::NIL,
	atl::Optional<float&> outShortSide = atl::NIL


Name Type Default Description
inPath const Path& Input path
inBoundingRectangleFeature BoundingRectangleFeature::Type MinimalArea Determines what kind of bounding rectangle will be computed
inReferenceAngle float 0.0f The middle angle of the valid range of the output rectangle's angle
inRectangleOrientation RectangleOrientation::Type Horizontal Orientation of the output rectangle
outBoundingRectangle Rectangle2D& The smallest bounding rectangle of the input path
outCenter Optional<Point2D&> NIL Center of the bounding rectangle
outLongSide Optional<float&> NIL Length of the bounding rectangle long side
outShortSide Optional<float&> NIL Length of the bounding rectangle short side


The filter computes a rectangle with the smallest possible selected feature that contains all points of the given path. The angle of the resulting rectangle is then normalized as in the NormalizeRectangleOrientation filter.


Error type Description
DomainError Empty path on input in PathBoundingRectangle.

See Also