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Geometry 3D Spatial Transforms

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CropPoint3DGridRemoves from the grid points that are not contained in a given rectangular box.
CropPoint3DGridByNeighborsProximityRemoves from the grid points that are too distant from their neighbor points.
CropPoint3DGridByPlaneProximityRemoves from the grid points that are too distant from a given plane.
CropPoint3DGridToRegionRemoves points that are not present in a given region.
JoinPoint3DGridsCombines two point grids into one.
ProjectPoint2DOntoPlaneProjects a point on a plane Z=0 onto a given plane, translating it parallel to Z axis.
ProjectPoint3DOntoPlaneProjects a point 3D onto a plane.
ProjectPointOrthogonalConverts a point through a simple orthogonal projection, parallel to the Z axis.
ProjectPointPerspectiveConverts a point through a perspective projection, parallel to the Z axis.
RescalePoint3DChanges the distance of a point to a reference point.
RescalePoint3DArrayChanges the distances of array points to a reference point.
ResizeVector3DLengthens or shortens a 3D vector preserving its direction.
RotatePoint3DRotates a 3D point around an axis (point+vector) in 3D.
RotatePoint3DArrayRotates an array of 3D points around an axis (point+vector) in 3D.
RotateVector3DRotates a 3D vector around another 3D vector (the axis).
TransformPoint3DApplies a general transformation expressed by a matrix to a 3D point.
TransformPoint3DArrayApplies a general transformation expressed by a matrix to an array of 3D points.
TranslatePoint3DTranslates a point by a vector.
TranslatePoint3DArrayTranslates an array of points by a vector.