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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Geometry 3D Spatial Transforms » CropPoint3DGridByNeighborsProximity


Removes from the grid points that are too distant from their neighbor points.

Name Type Range Description
inPoint3DGrid Point3DGrid
inNeighborRadius Integer 1 - Radius of neighbors to search for real neighbors
inMaxDistance Real 0.0 - Maximal distance from another point to consider them real neighbors
inMetric Metric3D Metric used for measuring distance between points
inMinNeighborRatio Real 0.0 - 1.0 Fraction of valid neighbors in a given radius that have to be real neighbors
outPoint3DGrid Point3DGrid


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
DomainError Incorrect metric in CropPoint3DGridByNeighborsProximity.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.