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File System

Select a function from the list below.

CreateDirectoriesCreates a directory tree if it does not exist.
EnumerateFiles_RandomEnumerates the files present in a disk directory and sorts them randomly.
FileAttributesProvides information about file, e.g. size, modification time
FileChecksumReturns CRC checksum of the input file.
FindDirectoriesReturns subdirectories of the input directory.
FindFilesReturns files of the input directory.
RemoveDirectoryRemoves a directory, with all files and subdirectories.
RemoveFilesRemoves files that match a pattern from a directory.
TestDirectoryEmptyChecks if a given directory is empty.
TestDirectoryExistsChecks if a given directory is present.
TestFileEmptyChecks if the size of the file is equal to zero.
TestFileExistsChecks if a given file is present.

Select Filter Equivalent below.

GenerateFileNameGenerates consecutive file names, e.g. for saving series of images