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Enumerates the files present in a disk directory and sorts them randomly.


bool avl::EnumerateFiles_Random
	EnumerateFilesRandomState& ioState,
	const atl::Directory& inDirectory,
	const atl::String& inExtensions,
	atl::Optional<int> inSeed,
	bool inRepeat,
	bool inProcessSubdirectories,
	bool inInvert,
	atl::File& outFilePath,
	atl::String& outFileName


Name Type Default Description
ioState EnumerateFilesRandomState& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inDirectory const Directory& Input directory
inExtensions const String& Allowed extensions separated by semicolon
inSeed Optional<int> NIL Random seed used to determine random sorting order
inRepeat bool Determines whether to repeat reading directory after reading all files
inProcessSubdirectories bool Flag indicating whether to enumerate files from the subdirectories or not
inInvert bool Flag indicating whether to enumerate files backwards or not
outFilePath File& Output file path
outFileName String& Output file name