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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Selects attributes from the XML tree using XPath request.


void avl::Xml_SelectMultipleAttributes_AsBools
	const avl::XmlNode& inNode,
	const atl::String& inXPath,
	atl::Array<atl::String>& outAttributesNames,
	atl::Array<bool>& outAttributesValues


Name Type Default Description
inNode const XmlNode& Source node.
inXPath const String& XPath criteria.
outAttributesNames Array<String>& Found attributes names.
outAttributesValues Array<bool>& Found attributes values as bool.


Filter finds nodes using provided XPath query. Found nodes' attributes are converted to Bool type. Filter checks only first character of selected attribute. Characters Y, y, T, t, 1 will be parsed as True value. Value False will be returned if one of characters N, n, F, f, 0 will be found. If other character is found default value is returned. If no attributes were selected empty array is returned.

See Also