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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Appends new attributes to the node.


void avl::Xml_AppendAttributes
	const avl::XmlNode& inNode,
	const atl::Array<atl::String>& inNames,
	const atl::Array<atl::String>& inValues,
	avl::XmlNode& outNode


Name Type Default Description
inNode const XmlNode& Node to which new attributes will be added.
inNames const Array<String>& Attributes names.
inValues const Array<String>& Attributes values.
outNode XmlNode&


This filter appends new attributes to the selected node. Both arrays inNames and inValues must have the same size. Empty attribute names are prohibited.


Error type Description
DomainError Invalid XmlNode in Xml_AppendAttributes.
DomainError Empty inNames in Xml_AppendAttributes.
DomainError Arrays inNames and inValues has different size in Xml_AppendAttributes.
DomainError Empty attribute name in Xml_AppendAttributes
DomainError Attribute name cannot start with a digit in Xml_AppendAttributes.
DomainError Unable to append new attributes to the input node in Xml_AppendAttributes.

See Also