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Receives a fixed number of bytes from a connected TCP socket.


void avl::TcpIp_ReadChunk_Deprecated
	avl::SocketId inSocket,
	int inLength,
	const atl::Optional<int>& inTimeout,
	atl::Conditional<atl::String>& outText,
	atl::Array<int>& outBytes,
	bool& outEof


Name Type Range Default Description
inSocket SocketId Connected socket ID.
inLength int 1 - 20971520 Number of bytes to receive.
inTimeout const Optional<int>& 0 - NIL Timeout in milliseconds, block if not specified.
outText Conditional<String>& Received data as textual string.
outBytes Array<int>& Received octets as integer values.
outEof bool& Indicates whether the operation was interrupted on attempt to get data from beyond the end of stream


This filter is deprecated. Use TcpIp_ReadBuffer instead.

Multithreaded environment

This function is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. When used in multithreaded environment, it has to be manually synchronized.