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Reads characters in binary mode from serial port.


void avl::SerialPort_Read_Deprecated
	SerialPortState& ioState,
	atl::Conditional<atl::Array<int> >& outData


Name Type Default Description
ioState SerialPortState& Object used to maintain state of the function.
outData Conditional<Array<int> >& Conditionally returns non empty array of character values, when any data available.


This filter is deprecated. Use SerialPort_WriteBuffer instead.

Filter reads all data from input port buffer.

Filter perform non-blocking reading form buffer and will return NIL when no data was read.


Using the SerialPort_Config filter is necessary before using the SerialPort_Read_Deprecated filter.

Filter SerialPort_Config does not guarantee that input buffer will be empty.


Using filters reading from serial port without previous configuration will cause "SerialPort not initialized" error.

See Also