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AbsoluteRealComputes the absolute value of a number.
AverageDoublesReturns the average of two doubles.
AverageDoubles_OfArrayReturns the average value of doubles.
AverageDoubles_OfArray_OrNilReturns the average value of doubles; returns NIL if the array is empty.
AverageDoubles_OfLoopReturns the average of numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
AverageRealsReturns the average of two numbers.
AverageReals_OfArrayReturns the average value of reals.
AverageReals_OfArray_OrNilReturns the average value of reals; returns NIL if the array is empty.
AverageReals_OfLoopReturns the average of numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
AvsFilter_AddDoublesComputes the sum of two or more doubles.
AvsFilter_AddDoubles_OfArrayComputes the sum of numbers of an array.
AvsFilter_AddDoubles_OfLoopComputes the sum of numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
AvsFilter_AddRealsComputes the sum of two numbers.
AvsFilter_AddReals_OfArrayComputes the sum of numbers of an array.
AvsFilter_AddReals_OfLoopComputes the sum of numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
AvsFilter_MultiplyDoublesComputes the product of double numbers.
AvsFilter_MultiplyDoubles_OfArrayComputes the product of numbers of an array.
AvsFilter_MultiplyDoubles_OfLoopComputes the product of numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
AvsFilter_MultiplyRealsComputes the product of real numbers.
AvsFilter_MultiplyReals_OfArrayComputes the product of numbers of an array.
AvsFilter_MultiplyReals_OfLoopComputes the product of numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
AvsFilter_RescaleRealApplies linear transformation to real number.
CreateRealSequenceCreates an arithmetic sequence of real numbers.
DivideDoublesComputes the quotient of two numbers.
DivideRealsComputes the quotient of two numbers.
DoubleDifferenceComputes the absolute value of two doubles difference.
LerpRealsLinearly interpolates between two reals.
MaximumDouble_OfLoopReturns the greatest of numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
MaximumRealReturns the higher of two numbers.
MaximumReal_OfArrayReturns the greatest value in an array of real numbers.
MaximumReal_OfArray_OrNilReturns the greatest value in an array of real numbers; returns NIL if the array is empty.
MaximumReal_OfLoopReturns the greatest of numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
MinimumDouble_OfLoopReturns the smallest of numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
MinimumRealReturns the lower of two numbers.
MinimumReal_OfArrayReturns the smallest value in an array of real numbers.
MinimumReal_OfArray_OrNilReturns the smallest value in an array of real numbers; returns NIL if the array is empty.
MinimumReal_OfLoopReturns the smallest of numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
NegateRealComputes the negation of a number.
ParseDoubleReturns the double number represented by a string.
ParseRealReturns the real number represented by a string.
RealDifferenceComputes the absolute value of two numbers difference.
SubtractDoublesComputes the difference of two doubles.
SubtractRealsComputes the difference of two numbers.
TestDoubleEqualToChecks whether two doubles are equal.
TestDoubleGreaterOrEqualCompares two doubles with the >= operator.
TestDoubleGreaterThanCompares two doubles with the > operator.
TestDoubleInRangeChecks whether a double value is in the specified range.
TestDoubleLessOrEqualCompares two doubles with the <= operator.
TestDoubleLessThanCompares two doubles with the < operator.
TestDoubleUnequalToChecks whether two doubles are unequal.
TestRealEqualToChecks whether two reals are equal.
TestRealGreaterOrEqualCompares two reals with the >= operator.
TestRealGreaterThanCompares two reals with the > operator.
TestRealInRangeChecks whether a real value is in the specified range.
TestRealLessOrEqualCompares two reals with the <= operator.
TestRealLessThanCompares two reals with the < operator.
TestRealUnequalToChecks whether two reals are unequal.