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Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles.



void avl::ProfileCorrelation
	const avl::Profile& inProfile1,
	int inStart1,
	const avl::Profile& inProfile2,
	int inStart2,
	atl::Optional<int> inLength,
	float& outCorrelation,
	atl::Optional<float&> outCovariance = atl::NIL,
	avl::Profile& diagProfile1,
	avl::Profile& diagProfile2


Name Type Range Default Description
inProfile1 const Profile& First input profile
inStart1 int 0 - Start of the first sub-profile of interest
inProfile2 const Profile& Second input profile
inStart2 int 0 - Start of the second sub-profile of interest
inLength Optional<int> 0 - NIL Length of the sub-profiles of interest
outCorrelation float& Pearson correlation coefficient
outCovariance Optional<float&> NIL
diagProfile1 Profile& First sub-profile of interest
diagProfile2 Profile& Second sub-profile of interest


Error type Description
DomainError Empty profiles on input in ProfileCorrelation.
DomainError At least two element sub-profiles are required in ProfileCorrelation.
DomainError First sub-profile is out of range in ProfileCorrelation.
DomainError Second sub-profile is out of range in ProfileCorrelation.