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Treats Matrix as a data frame, where examples are in rows while columns represent features, and normalizes the data by subtracting mean from each column and dividing it by its standard deviation.



void avl::NormalizeMatrixData
	const avl::Matrix& inMatrix,
	const atl::Optional<avl::Matrix&> inMeansVector,
	const atl::Optional<avl::Matrix&> inStandardDeviationsVector,
	avl::Matrix& outNormalizedMatrix,
	avl::Matrix& outMeansVector,
	avl::Matrix& outStandardDeviationsVector


Name Type Default Description
inMatrix const Matrix& Input data frame.
inMeansVector const Optional<Matrix&> NIL If provided, will be used in normalization of inMatrix.
inStandardDeviationsVector const Optional<Matrix&> NIL If provided, will be used in normalization of inMatrix.
outNormalizedMatrix Matrix& Resulting normalized matrix.
outMeansVector Matrix& Resulting Means vector - copy of inMeansVector, or calculated Means, if inMeansVector was set NIL.
outStandardDeviationsVector Matrix& Resulting StdDevs vector - copy of inStandardDeviationsVector, or calculated Means, if inStandardDeviationsVector was set NIL.


Error type Description
DomainError Incorrect matrix dimensions in NormalizeData.
DomainError One can provide both Means and StdDevs vector or none of them.