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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code. OpenInputVideoStream and ReadVideoStream should be used instead.

Reads a frame sequence from a video file.



bool avs::AvsFilter_ReadVideo
	avs::InputVideoStream& ioState,
	const atl::File& inFile,
	int inStartFrame,
	bool inRepeat,
	avl::Image& outImage,
	float& outFPS,
	int& outFrameNum,
	int& outMaxFrame


Name Type Range Default Description
ioState InputVideoStream& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inFile const File& Video file
inStartFrame int 0 - + Number of first frame to fetch.
inRepeat bool Determines whether to repeat video playback
outImage Image& Output image
outFPS float& FPS
outFrameNum int& Current frame number
outMaxFrame int& Last frame number


AvsFilter_ReadVideo filter is based on DirectShow and supports all video formats available using this technology. List of the most popular supported file types and compression formats is shown below.

  • MPEG-2 video
  • Digital Video
  • AVI
  • WMV

For complete list of supported formats, please follow the link below:


This filter uses external components, which can open additional windows or require initial configuration. Please, consult your codecs vendor in case of any troubles.

See Also