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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Compares an image with a template image considered to have no defects.



void avl::AvsFilter_CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity_Deprecated
	CompareGoldenTemplate_IntensityState& ioState,
	const avl::Image& inImage,
	const avl::Image& inGoldenImage,
	atl::Optional<const avl::Region&> inRoi,
	float inEdgeThreshold,
	int inEdgeDilation,
	bool inStaticModel,
	float inMaxDifference,
	int inMinDefectRadius,
	avl::Region& outDefects,
	avl::Region& outDifferenceRegion,
	bool& outDefectsPresent,
	avl::Region& outEdgeRegion


Name Type Range Default Description
ioState CompareGoldenTemplate_IntensityState& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inImage const Image& Input image
inGoldenImage const Image& Reference image containing no defects
inRoi Optional<const Region&> NIL Range of pixels to be processed
inEdgeThreshold float 0.0 - 10.0f Minimum strength of edges on the golden image near which comparison is NOT performed
inEdgeDilation int 0 - 1 Defines for how far from the detected edges comparison is NOT performed
inStaticModel bool True Flag indicating whether model should be created only in the first iteration
inMaxDifference float 0.0 - 20.0f Maximal allowed difference between corresponding pixels of the input and golden images
inMinDefectRadius int 0 - 1 Minimal radius of a defect
outDefects Region& Region of detected defects
outDifferenceRegion Region& Region of pixels differing too much between the golden image and the input image
outDefectsPresent bool& Flag indicating whether any defects were detected
outEdgeRegion Region& Region of pixels that will not be compared