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Initializes and starts image acquisition in a device.


void avl::IFM_StartAcquisition
	Ifm_State& ioState,
	const avl::IFMCameraAddress& inAddress,
	const atl::Optional<float>& inFrameRate,
	const atl::Optional<avl::IFMResolution::Type>& inResolution,
	const atl::Optional<avl::IFMTriggerMode::Type>& inTriggerMode


Name Type Range Default Description
ioState Ifm_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inAddress const IFMCameraAddress& Device identifying address
inFrameRate const Optional<float>& 0.017 - 300.0 NIL Sets the target frame rate in fps at which device should capture images
inResolution const Optional<IFMResolution::Type>& NIL Sets the resolution of output image
inTriggerMode const Optional<IFMTriggerMode::Type>& NIL Sets the trigger mode on device for capturing image


Device driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with a device using PMDSDK 2. In order to connect with the device, it is required to download PMDSDK 2.

PMDSDK 2 can be downloaded from the following website:!/infomaterialanddownloads?_type=infomaterialanddownloads&docType=download. Please download "O3D303 Software Development Kit"

After download you have to manually copy pmdaccess2.dll file to Adaptive Vision Studio main directory (usually located in Program Files). Alternatively you can add directory with this dll file to PATH environment variable

Additionally in inAddress input you will need to provide camera plugin and processing plugin file path.

It is recommended to disable DHCP in the device and using static IP address.

Multithreaded environment

This function is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. When used in multithreaded environment, it has to be manually synchronized.

See Also