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Converts a 2D point to a string of format "(X, Y)".



void avl::FormatPoint2DToString
	const avl::Point2D& inPoint,
	const int inIntegerDigitCount,
	const int inFractionalDigitCount,
	const atl::String& inDecimalMark,
	const atl::String& inTrailingCharacter,
	const bool inForceSignPrinting,
	const atl::String& inSuffix,
	const bool inPrintBrackets,
	atl::String& outString


Name Type Range Default Description
inPoint const Point2D&
inIntegerDigitCount const int 0 - How many characters the integer part of the coordinates should have at least
inFractionalDigitCount const int 0 - 100 3 How many characters the fractional part of the coordinates should have
inDecimalMark const String& \".\" The symbol used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of the coordinates
inTrailingCharacter const String& \"0\" Defines the trailing character
inForceSignPrinting const bool False Forces printing the signs of the numbers even if the number is positive
inSuffix const String& \"\" Defines a suffix. Generally it is an unit of value (eg. mm)
inPrintBrackets const bool True Determines whether the brackets should be printed or not
outString String&