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Downloads a file from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).



void avl::Ftp_ReceiveFile
	const atl::File& inFilePath,
	const atl::String& inHostName,
	const atl::String& inFtpFilePath,
	atl::Optional<const atl::String&> inUsername,
	atl::Optional<const atl::String&> inPassword,
	bool inUsePassiveMode


Name Type Default Description
inFilePath const File& Location of the file on a remote server
inHostName const String& \"ftp://\" URL address of the remote server.
inFtpFilePath const String& Location of the file on a remote server.
inUsername Optional<const String&> NIL User name needed to log in.
inPassword Optional<const String&> NIL Password associated with a user name.
inUsePassiveMode bool Protocol communication mode. May be necessary when using a firewall.


Error type Description
DomainError Empty path on input in Ftp_ReceiveFile
DomainError Empty host name on input in Ftp_ReceiveFile
DomainError Empty ftp file path on input in Ftp_ReceiveFile