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You are here: Start » Function Reference » EXIF » EXIF_LoadFromJpgFile


This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Reads an EXIF informations from the JPG image.


void avl::EXIF_LoadFromJpgFile
	const atl::File& inFile,
	atl::String& outDateTime,
	atl::String& outDescription,
	atl::String& outOrientation,
	atl::Array<atl::String>& outValues,
	atl::Array<atl::String>& outLabels


Name Type Default Description
inFile const File& Path to the JPG file.
outDateTime String& Date time when image was taken.
outDescription String& Additional image description.
outOrientation String& Image orientation.
outValues Array<String>& Values of all EXIF tags.
outLabels Array<String>& Names of all EXIF tags.


Error type Description
DomainError Not supported on Linux.
IoError FIle does not exists in EXIF_LoadFromJpgFile.
IoError Unable to retrieve EXIF from the file in EXIF_LoadFromJpgFile.