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Detects anomalies using trained deep-learning model.



void avl::DeepLearning_DetectAnomalies_Deprecated
	DeepLearningConnectionState& ioState,
	const avl::Image& inImage,
	const atl::Optional<avl::Region>& inRoi,
	const atl::String& inDeepModel,
	avl::Image& outHeatmap,
	bool& outIsValid,
	float& outScore,
	bool& outIsConfident,
	avl::Image& outReconstructedImage


Name Type Default Description
ioState DeepLearningConnectionState& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inImage const Image& Input image
inRoi const Optional<Region>& NIL Area of interest
inDeepModel const String& Trained model
outHeatmap Image& Image contains heatmaps for each input image channel
outIsValid bool& Returns true if anomaly was not found
outScore float& Score of classification
outIsConfident bool& Returns "false" if score is between T1 and T2
outReconstructedImage Image& Returns network answer


For input inImage only pixel formats are supported: 1xuint8, 3xuint8.

Read more about pixel formats in Image documentation.


Error type Description
DomainError Empty ROI region in DeepLearning_DetectAnomalies_Deprecated
DomainError Region's frame does not reflect image size
DomainError Invalid DeepModel in DeepLearning_DetectAnomalies_Deprecated.
DomainError Empty image in DeepLearning_DetectAnomalies_Deprecated.