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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Creates empty or single-element array from a conditional value.


void avl::ConditionalToArray_Deprecated
	const typename atl::ToConditionalType<const Type&>::Type& inConditionalObject,
	atl::Array<Type>& outArray


Name Type Default Description
inConditionalObject const typename ToConditionalType<const Type&>::Type& Input conditional object
outArray Array<Type>& Empty or single-element array


If the inConditionalObject exists, the resulting outArray contains its value as its only element. If the inConditionalObject is empty, the resulting outArray is empty.

The operation is similar to the MergeIntoArray filter, yet it accepts only one input argument.


inConditionalObject = "Mike" outArray = {"Mike"}
inConditionalObject = Nil outArray = {}

See Also

  • MergeBranches – Chooses the first non-Nil object, or reports an error if there is no such object.