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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Creates a non-conditional value from a conditional one by replacing Nil with the specified default value.


void avl::MergeDefault
	const typename atl::ToConditionalType<const Type&>::Type& inConditionalObject,
	const Type& inDefaultObject,
	Type& outObject


Name Type Default Description
inConditionalObject const typename ToConditionalType<const Type&>::Type& Input conditional object
inDefaultObject const Type& Object to be used if the conditional object is empty
outObject Type& Value of the conditional object, if it exists, or the default otherwise


This function is related to Conditional<T>. It receives a conditional value and:

  • If it is Nil, replaces it with a specified default value.
  • Otherwise, copies it to the output.


  • Connect the conditional value to the inConditionalObject input.
  • On the inDefaultObject input define a value that will be substituted for Nil on the inConditionalObject input.
  • Also consider the coalescing operator (??) in Formula Blocks.


inConditionalObject = 5
inDefaultObject = 8
outObject = 5
inConditionalObject = Nil
inDefaultObject = 8
outObject = 8


This filter is a counterpart of the IFERROR function from Microsoft Excel.

This filter can replace the following formula:

See Also

  • MakeConditional – Checks a condition. If the condition is True, then copies the input object to the output; otherwise returns Nil.
  • MergeBranches – Chooses the first non-Nil object, or reports an error if there is no such object.