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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Groups the elements of the input array into output arrays, depending on the associated array of case indices. Assumes that the range of case indices is continuous and starts at zero.


void avl::GroupByCase_Synchronized
	const atl::Array<Type>& inArray,
	const atl::Array<int>& inCaseIndices,
	const int inCaseCount,
	atl::Array<atl::Array<Type> >& outGroupedElements,
	atl::Array<atl::Array<int> >& outGroupedIndices


Name Type Range Default Description
inArray const Array<Type>& Elements to be grouped
inCaseIndices const Array<int>& Reference values corresponding to the input array elements
inCaseCount const int 0 - Number of cases, each of which is between 0 and inCaseCount - 1 inclusive
outGroupedElements Array<Array<Type> >& List of input elements for each case
outGroupedIndices Array<Array<int> >& List of input element indices for each case


Error type Description
DomainError Inconsistent array lengths on input in GroupByCase_Synchronized.
DomainError Incorrect case index in GroupByCase_Synchronized.