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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Returns one of the two input objects depending on the specified condition.


void avl::ChooseByPredicate
	const Type& inObjectIfTrue,
	const Type& inObjectIfFalse,
	bool inCondition,
	Type& outObject


Name Type Default Description
inObjectIfTrue const Type& Object to be chosen if the condition is met
inObjectIfFalse const Type& Object to be chosen if the condition is NOT met
inCondition bool Determines which object is to be chosen
outObject Type& Chosen object


  • Also consider the ternary operator ?: in Formula Blocks.


inObjectIfTrue = "Mike"
inObjectIfFalse = "Bill"
inCondition = False
outObject = "Bill"


This filter can replace the following formula:

See Also

  • ChooseByCase – Returns one of the input objects depending on the specified case index.
  • ChooseByRange – Returns one of the three input objects depending on whether the associated input value falls below, in or above the specified range.