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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Returns an array of elements contained in the first input array, but not contained in the second one (without duplicates).


void avl::ArrayDifference
	const atl::Array<Type>& inArray1,
	const atl::Array<Type>& inArray2,
	atl::Array<Type>& outArray


Name Type Default Description
inArray1 const Array<Type>& First input array
inArray2 const Array<Type>& Second input array
outArray Array<Type>& Difference of the input arrays


The operation computes an array of elements contained in inArray1 but not in inArray2. The operation treats arrays as if those were sets, i.e., disregards the repeated elements in the input arrays and computes the result without repeating elements.


inArray1 = {1,1,1,2,2,3}
inArray2 = {1,1,4}
outArray = {2,3}


Please note, that this filter can be concretized only with basic data types and structures of such types. Concretizing the filter with a non-comparable complex data type, such as Image or Region, will raise a Domain Error.

Using this filter to compare data of type Real (or structures with this type) may be tricky. It is caused by the fact that very small (unnoticeable) differences in values of such types may lead to unpredictable negative results in comparison of these values.


Non-comparable complex data type "TypeName" used in ArrayDifference.

See Also

  • ArraySymmetricDifference – Returns an array of elements contained in odd number of the input arrays (without duplicates).