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Locates multiple high or low peaks of surface height along a given path.



void avl::ScanMultipleRidges3D
	const avl::Surface& inSurface,
	const ScanMap& inScanMap,
	const avl::RidgeScanParams3D& inRidgeScanParams,
	float inMinDistance,
	atl::Optional<float> inMaxDistance,
	atl::Optional<const avl::LocalBlindness&> inLocalBlindness,
	atl::Optional<int> inMaxProfileGapWidth,
	atl::Array<avl::SurfaceRidge1D>& outRidges,
	avl::Profile& diagHeightProfile,
	avl::Profile& diagResponseProfile


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurface const Surface& Input surface
inScanMap const ScanMap& Data precomputed with CreateSurfaceScanMap
inRidgeScanParams const RidgeScanParams3D& Parameters controlling the surface ridge extraction process
inMinDistance float 0.0 - 0.0f Minimal distance between consecutive ridges
inMaxDistance Optional<float> 0.0 - NIL Maximal distance between consecutive ridges
inLocalBlindness Optional<const LocalBlindness&> NIL Defines conditions in which weaker ridges can be detected in the vicinity of stronger ridges
inMaxProfileGapWidth Optional<int> 0 - 1 Maximal number of consecutive not existing profile points
outRidges Array<SurfaceRidge1D>& Found surface ridges
diagHeightProfile Profile& Extracted surface height profile
diagResponseProfile Profile& Profile of the ridge operator response