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Module: Vision3DStandard

Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates.

Name Type Range Description
Input value inPoints Point3DArray
Input value inXLimits ValueLimits_f64
Input value inXScale Double
Input value inYLimits ValueLimits_f64
Input value inYScale Double
Input value inZLimits ValueLimits_f64
Input value inZOffset Double
Input value inZScale Double
Input value inPointType PlainType Type of single point Z coordinate
Input value inMultipointHeight SurfaceMultipointHeight Determines the Z coordinate of a surface point created from more than one point
Output value outSurface Surface
Output value outMinX Double
Output value outMinY Double
Diagnostic input diagSurfaceValidPointsRegion Region Region of locations where the surface points are valid


The operation creates a surface object basing on the input points in 3D. The X and Y coordinates of the output surface object points are very regular, so the whole output object has neatly organized structure. Internally, the XY plane is divided into rectangular tiles with dimensions equal to inXScale and inYScale. Each tile will represent one output surface point. The point is computed as an average of all input points that are located in the corresponding tile. If none of the input points is present in a tile, the output point for such a tile is indefinite and set to the point in infinity.


  • The filter can be used to reduce the size of the input data. The higher the inXScale and inYScale values are, the smaller output surface size is.


Input Point3DArray.

Output Surface.

ArrangePoint3DArray performed on a sample surface.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Empty point array in ArrangePoint3DArray.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also

  • ArrangePoint3DGrid – Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates.