

Represents a NodeId in the OPC UA information model.

Structure Fields

Type fields and default values (if defined) are described below:

Name Type Default Description
NamespaceIndex Integer The index of a namespace URI.
IdentifierType OpcUaNodeIdType Numeric The format of the identifier.
Identifier String 0 The identifier of a node in an OPC UA server in a format specified by the IdentifierType field.


This type is basically an equivalent of NodeId data type from the OPC UA address space model.

The Identifier field always accepts textual data, however, it is parsed and converted to a proper identifier type for the OPC UA NodeId, and its interpretation depends on the IdentifierType field value.

For the following identifier types the Identifier field is expected to be:

  • Numeric - a non negative integer number (e.g. "20", "1006").
  • String - any text (e.g. "ProcessObject/0:ProcessParameter").
  • Guid - a GUID in a form "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" (e.g. "010E3ADA-A9E3-4E94-9068-6E2996047865").