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Module: FoundationLite

Converts a 3D point to a string of format "(X, Y, Z)".

Name Type Range Description
Input value inPoint Point3D
Input value inIntegerDigitCount Integer 0 - How many characters the integer part of the coordinates should have at least
Input value inFractionalDigitCount Integer 0 - 100 How many characters the fractional part of the coordinates should have
Input value inDecimalMark String The symbol used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of the coordinates
Input value inTrailingCharacter String Defines the trailing character
Input value inForceSignPrinting Bool Forces printing the signs of the numbers even if the number is positive
Input value inSuffix String Defines a suffix. Generally it is an unit of value (e.g. mm)
Input value inPrintBrackets Bool Determines whether the brackets should be printed or not
Output value outString String

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.