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Header: STD.h
Namespace: avl

Returns a valid DateTime object completed with the input parameters.


void avl::MakeDateTime
	int inYear,
	int inMonth,
	int inDayOfMonth,
	int inHour,
	int inMinutes,
	int inSeconds,
	avl::DateTime& outDateTime


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value inYear int 1970 - Year
Input value inMonth int 1 - 12 Month
Input value inDayOfMonth int 1 - 31 Day of the month
Input value inHour int 0 - 23 Hour
Input value inMinutes int 0 - 59 Minutes
Input value inSeconds int 0 - 60 Seconds
Output value outDateTime DateTime& Completed DateTime object


This filter can be used to create a DateTime object based on the provided date and time data. The DayOfWeek, DayOfYear, TimezoneOffset, DaylightSaving and UnixTime fields of outDateTime will be automatically filled with correct values.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Invalid input data given to MakeDateTime.