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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Header: STD.h
Namespace: avl

Returns the greatest value in an array of double numbers.


void avl::MaximumDouble_OfArray
	const atl::Optional<double>& inInitialValue,
	const atl::Array<double>& inArray,
	double& outMaximum,
	atl::Optional<atl::Conditional<int>&> outIndex = atl::NIL


Name Type Default Description
Input value inInitialValue const Optional<double>& NIL Optional initial input Double value
Input value inArray const Array<double>& Input array of Double values
Output value outMaximum double& Output Double value of highest value within inArray; returns inInitialValue if it is higher than any value within array or if array is empty
Output value outIndex Optional<Conditional<int>&> NIL Conditional output Integer index value of highest value within inArray; returns Nil if inInitialValue is higher than any value within array or if array is empty

Optional Outputs

The computation of following outputs can be switched off by passing value atl::NIL to these parameters: outIndex.

Read more about Optional Outputs.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Input array is empty and inInitialValue isn't set in MaximumDouble_OfArray.