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Header: ThirdPartySdk.h
Namespace: avl

Sends generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.


void avl::Hilscher_Channel_IOWrite_SInt32
	avl::Hilscher_State& ioState,
	const atl::Optional<atl::String>& inBoardName,
	const int inChannelNumber,
	const int inOffset,
	const avl::DataEndianness::Type inDataEndianness,
	const int inData


Name Type Range Default Description
Input will be modified ioState Hilscher_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
Input value inBoardName const Optional<String>& NIL
Input value inChannelNumber const int 0 - 10
Input value inOffset const int 0 - 10000
Input value inDataEndianness const DataEndianness::Type BigEndian
Input value inData const int



For profinet: Firmware (recommended 3.13 series)

Firmware needs to be uploaded to the card prior to opening any type of channel.
In case of failing to update the firmware, try to restart your computer.

IO Offset (inOffset)
Offset as displayed in Hilscher software
Data direction
Slot direction is from the application perspective, different than in SYCON software.
IN: in is marked as output
OUT: in is marked as input
Data endianness
Remember to check endianness on controller and device sides, most controllers will use big endian. Data written to the card will be converted by default to network order. (to big endian)
Data read from the card will be converted to native byte order. (by default from big endian)