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Header: ThirdPartySdk.h
Namespace: avl

Captures a frame using BitFlow frame grabber.


bool avl::BitFlow_GrabImage
	BitFlow_BaseState& ioState,
	int inBoardNumber,
	const atl::File& inCameraFileName,
	int inInputQueueSize,
	avl::BitFlowTriggerMode::Type inTriggerMode,
	avl::BitFlowTrigAssignments::Type inTriggerAssignments,
	avl::BitFlowTrigPolarity::Type inTriggerAPolarity,
	avl::BitFlowTrigPolarity::Type inTriggerBPolarity,
	avl::Image& outImage,
	atl::int64& outFrameID


Name Type Range Default Description
Input will be modified ioState BitFlow_BaseState& Object used to maintain state of the function.
Input value inBoardNumber int Index of board
Input value inCameraFileName const File& Camera file
Input value inInputQueueSize int 1 - 200 4 Number of incoming frames that can be buffered before the application is able to process them
Input value inTriggerMode BitFlowTriggerMode::Type Trigger mode of the current camera
Input value inTriggerAssignments BitFlowTrigAssignments::Type Assign trigger to acquisition engine
Input value inTriggerAPolarity BitFlowTrigPolarity::Type Polarity for trigger B
Input value inTriggerBPolarity BitFlowTrigPolarity::Type Polarity for trigger A
Output value outImage Image& Captured frame
Output value outFrameID int64& Captured frame ID


Board driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with board using its vendor SDK. To be able to connect with board it is required to install BitFlow SDK software. Currently Aurora Vision Studio requires BitFlow SDK version 6.30.

BitFlow SDK can be downloaded from following website: (registration may be required).

Running application
This filter uses camera configuration files, which are loaded to register. To load this file to register you should use SysReg application from BitFlow SDK.
Camera identification

To identify the camera, configuration file should be loaded to Aurora Vision Studio, using inCameraFileName input. Choosing index of board is too necessary.

Camera file must be located in configuration directory. Default configuration directory should be "C:\BitFlow SDK 5.90\Config". After that, correct directory should be used - it depends on type of board installed in system.

Camera parameters

To change trigger options or digital outputs, use Aurora Vision Studio(see "See also" paragraph). Another parameters might be changed by creating new configuration file. Configuration tool "CamEd" available with BitFlow SDK 5.90 should be used.

Supported pixel formats
  • Mono8
  • Mono10
  • Mono12
  • Mono16
  • Rgb24
  • Rgb30
  • Rgb36
  • Rgb48

Multithreaded environment

This function is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. When used in multithreaded environment, it has to be manually synchronized.

See Also