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Header: ThirdPartySdk.h
Namespace: avl

Gets GigeVision device statistics data.


void avl::Pylon_GetUsbStatistics
	Pylon_State& ioState,
	atl::Optional<const atl::String&> inDeviceID,
	atl::int64& outTotalBufferCount,
	atl::int64& outFailedBufferCount,
	atl::int64& outLastFailedBufferStatus,
	atl::String& outLastFailedBufferStatusText,
	atl::int64& outMissedFrameCount,
	atl::int64& outResynchronizationCount,
	atl::int64& outLastBlockId,
	atl::int64& outNumEmptyBuffers,
	atl::int64& outNumQueuedBuffers,
	atl::int64& outNumReadyBuffers,
	atl::int64& outOutputQueueSize


Name Type Default Description
Input will be modified ioState Pylon_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
Input value inDeviceID Optional<const String&> NIL Device identifying address
Output value outTotalBufferCount int64& The total count of processed buffers
Output value outFailedBufferCount int64& The count of buffers that returned with an error status
Output value outLastFailedBufferStatus int64& The status code of the last failed buffer
Output value outLastFailedBufferStatusText String& The message text of the status code of the last failed buffer
Output value outMissedFrameCount int64& The count of bad or missed frames between successfully grabbed images
Output value outResynchronizationCount int64& The count of stream resynchronizations
Output value outLastBlockId int64& The last grabbed block ID
Output value outNumEmptyBuffers int64& The number of empty buffers that are not used for grabbing yet
Output value outNumQueuedBuffers int64& The number of buffers queued at Low Level API stream grabber
Output value outNumReadyBuffers int64& The number of grab result buffers in the output queue that are ready for retrieval
Output value outOutputQueueSize int64& The size of the grab result buffer output queue

Multithreaded environment

This function is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. When used in multithreaded environment, it has to be manually synchronized.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
RuntimeError Not implemented