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ProfileBox.ProfileBoxDataSlot Class


Represents a single primitive data slot in a ProfileBox control.


ColorSystem.Drawing.Color Gets or sets the color of this primitive on a chart.
DomainEndSystem.Double Gets domain scale value at which this primitive data ends.
DomainStartSystem.Double Gets domain scale value at which this primitive data starts.
IsEmptySystem.Boolean Indicates that the control is not showing any profile data.


Dispose()Disposes underlying unmanaged resources. See MSDN documentation for IDisposable interface for more info.
Equals(object)Inherited from System.Object
GetHashCode()Inherited from System.Object
GetType()Inherited from System.Object
SetCircle2DArray(IList<AvlNet.Circle2D>) Sets data slot to Circle2DArray.
SetCircle2DArray(int, Action<int, HMI.Controls.ICircle2DDataHandler>) Sets data slot to Circle2DArray type and loads primitives array from specified source.
SetCircle2D(AvlNet.Circle2D) Sets data slot to a Circle2D primitive.
SetCircle2D(float, float, float) Sets data slot to a Circle2D primitive with specified coordinates.
SetData(float[]) Sets the profile data to be shown in the control.
SetData(System.IntPtr, int) Sets the profile data to be shown in the control.
SetData(float[], double, double) Sets the profile data to be shown in the control.
SetData(System.IntPtr, int, double, double) Sets the profile data to be shown in the control.
SetDomainRangesArray(IList<AvlNet.Range>) Sets data slot to an array of range values on the domain scale.
SetDomainRangeValuesArray(int, Action<int, HMI.Controls.IFloatRangeDataHandler>) Sets data slot to an array of range values on the domain scale and loads the array from specified source.
SetDomainRangeValue(float, float) Sets data slot to mark a range on the domain scale
SetDomainScalarValuesArray(IList<float>) Sets data slot to an array of scalar values on the domain scale.
SetDomainScalarValuesArray(int, Action<int, HMI.Controls.IScalarFloatDataHandler>) Sets data slot to an array of scalar values on the domain scale and loads the array from specified source.
SetDomainScalarValue(float) Sets data slot to mark a single value on the domain scale (visualized as a vertical line)
SetOverflow() Resets current profile data and puts the chart control into profile overflow error state.
SetPoint2DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) Sets data slot to Point2DArray.
SetPoint2DArray(int, Action<int, HMI.Controls.IPoint2DDataHandler>) Sets data slot to Point2DArray type and loads primitives array from specified source.
SetPoint2D(AvlNet.Point2D) Sets data slot to a Point2D primitive.
SetPoint2D(float, float) Sets data slot to a Point2D primitive with specified coordinates.
SetProfileEdgesArray(IList<AvlNet.ProfileEdge>) Sets data slot to ProfileEdgeArray data type.
SetProfileEdge(AvlNet.ProfileEdge) Sets data slot to a ProfileEdge primitive.
SetProfileRidgesArray(IList<AvlNet.ProfileRidge>) Sets data slot to ProfileRidgeArray data type.
SetProfileRidge(AvlNet.ProfileRidge) Sets data slot to a ProfileRidge primitive.
SetProfileSectionsArray(IList<AvlNet.ProfileSection>) Sets data slot to ProfileEdgeArray data type.
SetProfileStripesArray(IList<AvlNet.ProfileStripe>) Sets data slot to ProfileEdgeArray data type.
SetProfile(AvlNet.Profile) Sets the profile to be shown in the control.
SetScalarValue(double) Sets data slot to mark a scalar value on the scale (visualized as a horizontal line).
SetSegment2DArray(IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) Sets data slot to Segment2DArray.
SetSegment2DArray(int, Action<int, HMI.Controls.ISegment2DDataHandler>) Sets data slot to Segment2DArray type and loads primitives array from specified source.
SetSegment2D(AvlNet.Segment2D) Sets data slot to a Segment2D primitive.
SetSegment2D(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D) Sets data slot to a Segment2D primitive with specified start and end point.
SetSegment2D(float, float, float, float) Sets data slot to a Segment2D primitive with specified coordinates.
ToString()Inherited from System.Object


See also