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AVS.FindMaxStableExtremalRegions Method

Segments an image by binarizing it with many different thresholds and by looking which blobs appear "stable".



public static void FindMaxStableExtremalRegions
	AvlNet.Image inImage,
	int inDelta,
	int inMinArea,
	int inMaxArea,
	float inMaxVariation,
	float inMinDiversity,
	AvlNet.RegionConnectivity inConnectivity,
	IList<AvlNet.Region> outRegions


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageAvlNet.ImageInput image.
inDeltaint<1, 255>30Area variance is calculated against ancestor with color difference of delta. Default value: 30.
inMinAreaint<0, INF>50Minimum area of stable region. Default value: 50.
inMaxAreaint<0, INF>2000Maximum area of stable region. Default value: 2000.
inMaxVariationfloat<0.0f, INF>0.1fMaximum area variance with containing larger region specified by delta parameter, for region to be considered as stable. Default value: 0.1f.
inMinDiversityfloat<0.0f, INF>2.0fMinimum area diversity that region must have in order to be stable when compared to stable regions within it. Default value: 2.0f.
inConnectivityAvlNet.RegionConnectivityEightDirectionsDefault value: EightDirections.

See also