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AVS.DetectCalibrationGrid_Chessboard Method

Detects a chessboard calibration grid on the image, and returns calibration points where 4 chessboard squares meet.



public static void DetectCalibrationGrid_Chessboard
	AvlNet.Image inImage,
	NullableRef<AvlNet.Region> inRoi,
	AvlNet.Size inBoardSize,
	bool inFastApproximate,
	IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D> outImageGrid


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageAvlNet.ImageInput image.
inRoiAvlNet.NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>Range of pixels to be processed. Default value: atl::NIL.
inBoardSizeAvlNet.Size(Width: 0, Height: 0)Number of checkerboard squares in X and Y dimensions. Default value: (Width: 0, Height: 0).
inFastApproximateboolFalseFast filter execution, but result is approximate. Default value: False.
outImageGridSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>Detected grid.

Function Overrides

See also