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Using Library on Linux


Aurora Vision Library Lite is designed to be used with GCC compiler on Linux x86_64, embedded ARMv7-A and ARMv8-A systems. Currently gcc in version 5.4 is supported, and corresponding toolchains for embedded linux: arm-linux-gnueabihf-, aarch64-linux-gnu-. Custom build can be prepared upon the earlier contact with Aurora Vision team. The Aurora Vision Library Lite is distributed as .tar.gz or .tar.xz archive. The library is compatible with Debian-like system, including - but not limited to - Ubuntu distributions.

Common prerequisites

Properly set locale on target computer is important. Non-existing locale will cause bugs and bad behavior. To list locale that exists on your computer use: locale -a, and currently set: locale. Remember that running your application as daemon (e.g. from systemd) may set different locale, than the one in your user terminal. Refer to your Linux distribution documentation.

To build example in simple manner, GNU Make tool and CMake is needed.

  • Ubuntu 18.04/Debian 9 or newer:
    • Runtime:
      • package libc6 ≥ 2.23
      • package libudev1 ≥ 229
    • Development:
      • package g++ version ≥ 5.4
      • package make
      • package cmake version ≥ 3.10
      • sudo apt-get install cmake make g++
    • Examples:
      • sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev libsdl-dev qtbase5-dev
  • CentOS 8/Fedora 29/OpenSUSE 15.0 or newer:
    • Runtime:
      • package glibc ≥ 2.23
      • package systemd ≥ 229
    • Development:
      • package gcc-c++ version ≥ 5.4
      • package make
      • package cmake version ≥ 3.5
      • CentOS/Fedora: dnf install gcc-c++ make cmake
      • OpenSUSE: zypper install gcc-c++ make cmake
    • Examples:
      • CentOS/Fedora: dnf install SDL2-devel qt5-qtbase-devel gtk3-devel
      • OpenSUSE: zypper install libSDL2-devel libqt5-qtbase-devel gtk3-devel
  • Generic:
    • Runtime:
      • libraries,,,,, from glibc version ≥ 2.23 or compatible (i.e. musl libc)
      • library from systemd version ≥ 229

Supported input devices

Vendor x86_64 armv7-a armv8
Allied Vision Vimba
Basler Pylon
LMI Gocator

Installation instructions

In unpacked directory call the install script. In example: sudo ./install This command will install the library to a proper directory in opt. It will also make the library visible to CMake find_package command.

Compilation instructions

Directory structure

Unpacked directory consists of following entries:

  • examples/ - directory contains source files of example programs written with Aurora Vision Library Lite
  • include/ - this directory contains library header files
  • lib/ - here the .so file with library is stored, along with any kits
  • bin/ - directory for additional binaries, like Licensing tool.
  • /README - instruction of library usage
  • /sha512sum - checksums for all files in archive, check with sha512sum --quiet -c sha512sum
  • /metadata.json - file containing information about the optimal target system, and library version
  • /install - installation script
  • /uninstall - uninstall script, will be copied to installation directory, where it can be safely used


Using CMake

CMake is the recommended way to compile on linux, see documentation Using Library with CMake

Using Makefile or your custom build system

For compiling with Aurora Vision Library Lite please remember to:

  • add the include/ subdirectory to the compiler include directories: -I switch
  • add the lib/ subdirectory to the linker directories: -L switch
  • link with Aurora Vision Library Lite: -lAVL
  • use -rpath in linker options, LD_LIBRARY_PATH or LD_PRELOAD of file.
  • link with dependencies: -lpthread -lrt -ldl

One can consult makefile in the examples/ directory to see how to compile and link with Aurora Vision Library Lite.

Known compilation bugs

In case of the following linker errors: (or similar)

/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by lib/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
lib/ undefined reference to `libiconv'
lib/build/ undefined reference to `libiconv_close'
lib/build/ undefined reference to `libiconv_open'

It is a known gnu linker bug, affecting versions older than 2.28 (e.g. in Ubuntu 16.04).
To solve the problem you can:
  • Try a different linker (add for linking -fuse-ld=gold for gold or -fuse-ld=lld, consult your linux distribution manual)
  • Link with the missing library (for example add -liconv)
  • Update the linker (binutils 2.28 or newer)

Licensing and distribution


File based licenses are supported on all Linux platforms. Dongle licenses depend on CodeMeter runtime. Currently Codemeter runtime is available for x86_64 and ARMV7-A. To develop and debug programs written with Aurora Vision Library Lite, Library license has to be present. To run compiled binaries linked with Aurora Vision Library Lite, LibraryRuntime license has to be present.

One can use license_manager from bin/ directory to list currently installed file or dongle licenses: license_manager list
Red marked licenses are invalid, for example past the license date or installed license for the wrong machine (bad ID)

File License

To obtain license:

  • In a terminal, on the target machine run license_manager --id from bin/ directory
  • Copy the printed Computer ID
  • Use that Computer ID to get a .avkey file from User Area on website.
  • Download the key to the target machine
  • Install the license by one of the following methods:
    • Run in terminal license_manager install downloaded_file.avkey (Recommended)
    • Copy the .avkey file next to executable, that is using Aurora Vision Library Lite

Dongle License

Installed CodeMeter Runtime is required, as well as proper license available on plugged in dongle.

Download runtime package from WIBU website, section "CodeMeter User Runtime for Linux".
"Driver Only" (lite) version recommended for headless (no desktop GUI) installations. ARMV7-A is available under "CodeMeter User Additional Downloads" as "Raspberry PI" version


To distribute program with Aurora Vision Library Lite, one have to provide license (file or dongle - depending on system used) and the To provide the .so file, one can install SDK on target machine, but this will provide headers etc., which may be unwanted. In such case, the library file, with any used kits should be copied to suitable system directory, or the program has to be compiled with -rpath and relative path to the .so file. Third option is to provide a boot script, which will set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or LD_PRELOAD with location.

Program development - general advise

The most convenient way to make programs with Aurora Vision Library Lite for Linux is to develop vision algorithm using Aurora Vision Studio on Windows and then generating C++ code. This code can be further changed or interfaced with rest of the system and tested on Windows. Then, cross-compiler can be used to prepare Linux build, which will be provided to target machine. It is easy to organize work this way, because:

  • developing vision algorithm using plain C++ is hard, troublesome and error prone, but Aurora Vision Studio makes it easy,
  • programs written with Aurora Vision Library Lite on Windows can be easily debugged using Microsoft Visual Studio thanks to provided debug visualizers and the Image Watch extensions to Microsoft Visual Studio,
  • cross compilation using virtualization solution, like Vagrant, is easy and fast, and does not force developer to use two systems simultaneously.

Of course, the programs can be also developed on Linux machine directly. Then a dose of work should be put into writing good Makefile. Debugging can be done by GDB, but we do not provide debug symbols for Aurora Vision Library Lite.

Runtime considerations

Some architectures might impose restrictions on libavl code. In this section we present pitfalls the user should be aware of.

Homogeneous Multiprocessor/SMP

There are many identical cores. One might have a problem when cores span across multiple physical CPUs, frequent on servers. The CPU's don't share CPU cache, so when execution of thread from CPUx/COREa is moved to CPUy/COREb, cache needs to be updated. It imposes time penalty. A workaround would be to pin threads to specific cores, (set affinity) or limit execution of libavl to specific number of cores on one physical CPU.

  • use taskset linux command to limit execution on specific cores
  • use OMP_PROC_BIND=TRUE environment variable to bind threads to cores they started on

Heterogeneous Multiprocessor

There are different kinds of processors the code runs on. Some examples are ARM big.LITTLE architecture, (where the cores mainly differ in maximum speed), or Tegra TX2 (where the cores serve different purpose). This kind of architecture might also suffer from Homogeneous Multiprocessor problems, but might suffer from different set of problems. One have to consider the cores are designed for low power and high performance, single threaded multithreaded optimized. Use the same solutions as in previous point, just take into account what type of algorithm will be executed.

Tegra TX2

This CPU is an example of Heterogeneous Multiprocessor architecture. It comprises of 6 cores: 2 Denver2 4 Cortex-A57. Denver2 core is designed for single thread performance, while Cortex-A57 for multithreaded. One can use both, but with thread binding, so threads are executed on the cores they started on. Limiting to one type of core might be beneficial when power consumption is a factor. Remember that thread binding might bind your application to core you did not want to use. Core 0 is Cortex-A57, core 1 and 2: Denver2, and cores 3-5: Cortex-A57. Core 0 is always active.

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