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Serializer Class


Serializes and deserializes objects into and from binary data.




Equals(object)Inherited from System.Object
GetHashCode()Inherited from System.Object
GetType()Inherited from System.Object
Load(string)Loads an object from the AVData binary file.
Load(string, IList<T>)Loads an object from the AVData binary file.
Load(string, INullable<T>)Loads an object from the AVData binary file.
Load(string, T)Loads an object from the AVData binary file.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Anchor3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Anchor3D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::AnnotatedPoint2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.AnyCameraModel)Reads a single AvlNet::AnyCameraModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Arc2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Arc2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ArcFittingField)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ArcFittingField^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Barcode)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Barcode^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::BarcodeDetectionParams% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.BarcodeGrades)Reads a single AvlNet::BarcodeGrades^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.BarcodeGradingDiagnostic)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::BarcodeGradingDiagnostic% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.BarcodeLength)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::BarcodeLength% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.BarcodeParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::BarcodeParams% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::BlobSplittingParams% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], bool)Reads a single [Out] bool% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Box)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Box% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Box3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Box3D^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ByteBuffer)Reads a single AvlNet::ByteBuffer^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.CharacterFeatures)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::CharacterFeatures^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.CharacterSample)Reads a single AvlNet::CharacterSample^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Circle2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Circle2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Circle3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Circle3D^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.CircleFittingField)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::CircleFittingField% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ClassConfidence)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ClassConfidence% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ClassifiedRectangle)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ClassifiedRectangle^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ClassifyObjectModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ClassifyObjectModelId^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.CodabarParameters)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::CodabarParameters^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::CodeDetectionParameters^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ColorThresholdParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ColorThresholdParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.COMModel)Reads a single AvlNet::COMModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.COMModelFull)Reads a single AvlNet::COMModelFull^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ConfusionTable)Reads a single AvlNet::ConfusionTable^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::CoordinateSystem2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.CudaDevice)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::CudaDevice^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.DataCode)Reads a single AvlNet::DataCode^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.DataMatrix)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DataMatrix^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams)Reads a single AvlNet::DataMatrixCodeParams^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DataMatrixDetectionParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.DatamatrixParameters)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::DatamatrixParameters% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.DetectAnomalies1ModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DetectAnomalies1ModelId^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.DetectAnomalies2ModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DetectAnomalies2ModelId^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.DetectFeaturesModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DetectFeaturesModelId^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], double)Reads a single [Out] double% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DrawingStyle^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.DynamicThresholdParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DynamicThresholdParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Edge1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Edge1D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate)Reads a single AvlNet::EdgeGoldenTemplate^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.EdgeModel)Reads a single AvlNet::EdgeModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.EdgeModel2)Reads a single AvlNet::EdgeModel2^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.EdgeScanParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::EdgeScanParams% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::EdgeScanParams3D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Ellipse2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Ellipse2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Extremum1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Extremum1D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Extremum2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Extremum2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.FeatureClass)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::FeatureClass^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Gap1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Gap1D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.GoldenTemplate2Model)Reads a single AvlNet::GoldenTemplate2Model^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.GoPointPlot)Reads a single AvlNet::GoPointPlot^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.GoProfile)Reads a single AvlNet::GoProfile^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate)Reads a single AvlNet::GrayGoldenTemplate^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.GrayModel)Reads a single AvlNet::GrayModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.GrayModel2)Reads a single AvlNet::GrayModel2^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Hash)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Hash% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Heatmap)Reads a single AvlNet::Heatmap^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Histogram)Reads a single AvlNet::Histogram^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.HistogramExtremum)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::HistogramExtremum% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.HoughCircle)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::HoughCircle^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Image)Reads a single AvlNet::Image^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ImageFormat)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ImageFormat% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ImageLocalExtremaVerification)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ImageLocalExtremaVerification% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ImageLocationCoordinateTransform)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ImageLocationCoordinateTransform% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ImageValueCoordinateTransform)Reads a single AvlNet::ImageValueCoordinateTransform^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], int)Reads a single [Out] int% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], long)Reads a single [Out] System::Int64% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::IntensityThresholdParams% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Interval)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Interval% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.KNNModel)Reads a single AvlNet::KNNModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LabeledPoint2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::LabeledPoint2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LensDistortion)Reads a single AvlNet::LensDistortion^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Line2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Line2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Line3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Line3D^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LinearFunction)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::LinearFunction% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LineScanCameraBasicParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::LineScanCameraBasicParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LineScanCameraModel)Reads a single AvlNet::LineScanCameraModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LocalBlindness)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::LocalBlindness% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LocateObjectsModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::LocateObjectsModelId^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LocatePointsModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::LocatePointsModelId^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LocateTextDeployHint)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::LocateTextDeployHint% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LocateTextModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::LocateTextModelId^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.LocateTextResult)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::LocateTextResult% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Location)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Location% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ManyCodeSettings)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ManyCodeSettings% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Matrix)Reads a single AvlNet::Matrix^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.MlpModel)Reads a single AvlNet::MlpModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Object2D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Object2D^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.OcrCandidate)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::OcrCandidate% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.OcrDeployHint)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::OcrDeployHint% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.OcrMlpModel)Reads a single AvlNet::OcrMlpModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.OcrModel)Reads a single AvlNet::OcrModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.OcrResult)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::OcrResult^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.OcrSvmModel)Reads a single AvlNet::OcrSvmModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.OutputSurfaceFormat)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::OutputSurfaceFormat^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Path)Reads a single AvlNet::Path^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.PathFittingField)Reads a single AvlNet::PathFittingField^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.PCAModel)Reads a single AvlNet::PCAModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.PDF417Code)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::PDF417Code^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::PDF417CodeParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::PDF417DetectionParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.PinholeCameraBasicParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::PinholeCameraBasicParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel)Reads a single AvlNet::PinholeCameraModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Pixel)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Pixel% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Plane3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Plane3D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Point2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Point2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Point3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Point3D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Reads a single AvlNet::Point3DGrid^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform)Reads a single AvlNet::PointCloudCoordinateTransform^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Position3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Position3D^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::PreSplitProcessingParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Profile)Reads a single AvlNet::Profile^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ProfileEdge)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ProfileEdge% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ProfileRidge)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ProfileRidge% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ProfileSection)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ProfileSection% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ProfileStripe)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ProfileStripe% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.QRCode)Reads a single AvlNet::QRCode^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.QuadraticFunction)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::QuadraticFunction% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Range)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Range% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.RangeThresholdParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::RangeThresholdParams% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ReadCharactersModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ReadCharactersModelId^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Rectangle2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.RectificationMap)Reads a single AvlNet::RectificationMap^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.RectificationTransform)Reads a single AvlNet::RectificationTransform^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Region)Reads a single AvlNet::Region^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::RegionProcessingParams% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Ridge1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Ridge1D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.RidgeScanParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::RidgeScanParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::RidgeScanParams3D^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Ring2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Ring2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SamplingParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SamplingParams% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Segment2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Segment2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Segment3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Segment3D^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SegmentFittingField)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SegmentFittingField% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SegmentInstancesModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::SegmentInstancesModelId^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SegmentScanField)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SegmentScanField% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Reads a single AvlNet::ShapeRegion^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ShapeRegionDeprecated)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ShapeRegionDeprecated^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], float)Reads a single [Out] float% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Size)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Size% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SpatialMap)Reads a single AvlNet::SpatialMap^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Sphere3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Sphere3D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SplittingParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SplittingParams% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], string)Reads a single [In, Out] System::String^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.StringLabel)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::StringLabel% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Stripe1D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Stripe1D^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.StripeScanParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::StripeScanParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::StripeScanParams3D^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Surface)Reads a single AvlNet::Surface^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::SurfaceCoordinatesFormat^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SurfaceEdge1D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SurfaceExtremum)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SurfaceExtremum% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SurfaceFormat)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::SurfaceFormat^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SurfaceLocalExtremaVerification)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SurfaceLocalExtremaVerification% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SurfaceRidge1D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::SurfaceStripe1D^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.SvmModel)Reads a single AvlNet::SvmModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.TelecentricCameraBasicParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::TelecentricCameraBasicParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.TelecentricCameraModel)Reads a single AvlNet::TelecentricCameraModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Tensor)Reads a single AvlNet::Tensor^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.TensorFormat)Reads a single AvlNet::TensorFormat^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.TexemModel)Reads a single AvlNet::TexemModel^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.TextSegmentation)Reads a single AvlNet::TextSegmentation^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.TextSegmentationMethod)Reads a single AvlNet::TextSegmentationMethod^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.TextThresholdingMethod)Reads a single AvlNet::TextThresholdingMethod^ value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ThresholdParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ThresholdParams^% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ValueLimits)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ValueLimits% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ValueLimits_f64% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Vector2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Vector2D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.Vector3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Vector3D% value from the given buffer.
Read(byte[], AvlNet.WeaverModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::WeaverModelId^% value from the given buffer.
Read(System.IntPtr, T)Reads a single enum value from a memory.
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Anchor3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Anchor3D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::AnnotatedPoint2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.AnyCameraModel)Reads a single AvlNet::AnyCameraModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Arc2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Arc2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ArcFittingField)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ArcFittingField^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Barcode)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Barcode^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::BarcodeDetectionParams% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BarcodeGrades)Reads a single AvlNet::BarcodeGrades^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BarcodeGradingDiagnostic)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::BarcodeGradingDiagnostic% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BarcodeLength)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::BarcodeLength% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BarcodeParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::BarcodeParams% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::BlobSplittingParams% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, bool)Reads a single [Out] bool% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Box)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Box% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Box3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Box3D^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ByteBuffer)Reads a single AvlNet::ByteBuffer^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CharacterFeatures)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::CharacterFeatures^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CharacterSample)Reads a single AvlNet::CharacterSample^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Circle2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Circle2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Circle3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Circle3D^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CircleFittingField)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::CircleFittingField% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ClassConfidence)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ClassConfidence% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ClassifiedRectangle)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ClassifiedRectangle^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ClassifyObjectModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ClassifyObjectModelId^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CodabarParameters)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::CodabarParameters^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::CodeDetectionParameters^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ColorThresholdParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ColorThresholdParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.COMModel)Reads a single AvlNet::COMModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.COMModelFull)Reads a single AvlNet::COMModelFull^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ConfusionTable)Reads a single AvlNet::ConfusionTable^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::CoordinateSystem2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CudaDevice)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::CudaDevice^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DataCode)Reads a single AvlNet::DataCode^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DataMatrix)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DataMatrix^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams)Reads a single AvlNet::DataMatrixCodeParams^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DataMatrixDetectionParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DatamatrixParameters)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::DatamatrixParameters% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DetectAnomalies1ModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DetectAnomalies1ModelId^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DetectAnomalies2ModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DetectAnomalies2ModelId^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DetectFeaturesModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DetectFeaturesModelId^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, double)Reads a single [Out] double% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DrawingStyle^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DynamicThresholdParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::DynamicThresholdParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Edge1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Edge1D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate)Reads a single AvlNet::EdgeGoldenTemplate^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.EdgeModel)Reads a single AvlNet::EdgeModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.EdgeModel2)Reads a single AvlNet::EdgeModel2^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::EdgeScanParams% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::EdgeScanParams3D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Ellipse2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Ellipse2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Extremum1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Extremum1D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Extremum2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Extremum2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.FeatureClass)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::FeatureClass^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Gap1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Gap1D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GoldenTemplate2Model)Reads a single AvlNet::GoldenTemplate2Model^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GoPointPlot)Reads a single AvlNet::GoPointPlot^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GoProfile)Reads a single AvlNet::GoProfile^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate)Reads a single AvlNet::GrayGoldenTemplate^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GrayModel)Reads a single AvlNet::GrayModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GrayModel2)Reads a single AvlNet::GrayModel2^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Hash)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Hash% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Heatmap)Reads a single AvlNet::Heatmap^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Histogram)Reads a single AvlNet::Histogram^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.HistogramExtremum)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::HistogramExtremum% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.HoughCircle)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::HoughCircle^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Image)Reads a single AvlNet::Image^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ImageFormat)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ImageFormat% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ImageLocalExtremaVerification)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ImageLocalExtremaVerification% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ImageLocationCoordinateTransform)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ImageLocationCoordinateTransform% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ImageValueCoordinateTransform)Reads a single AvlNet::ImageValueCoordinateTransform^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, int)Reads a single [Out] int% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, long)Reads a single [Out] System::Int64% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::IntensityThresholdParams% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Interval)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Interval% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.KNNModel)Reads a single AvlNet::KNNModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LabeledPoint2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::LabeledPoint2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LensDistortion)Reads a single AvlNet::LensDistortion^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Line2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Line2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Line3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Line3D^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LinearFunction)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::LinearFunction% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LineScanCameraBasicParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::LineScanCameraBasicParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LineScanCameraModel)Reads a single AvlNet::LineScanCameraModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocalBlindness)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::LocalBlindness% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocateObjectsModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::LocateObjectsModelId^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocatePointsModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::LocatePointsModelId^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocateTextDeployHint)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::LocateTextDeployHint% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocateTextModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::LocateTextModelId^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocateTextResult)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::LocateTextResult% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Location)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Location% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ManyCodeSettings)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ManyCodeSettings% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Matrix)Reads a single AvlNet::Matrix^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.MlpModel)Reads a single AvlNet::MlpModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Object2D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Object2D^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrCandidate)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::OcrCandidate% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrDeployHint)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::OcrDeployHint% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrMlpModel)Reads a single AvlNet::OcrMlpModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrModel)Reads a single AvlNet::OcrModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrResult)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::OcrResult^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrSvmModel)Reads a single AvlNet::OcrSvmModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OutputSurfaceFormat)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::OutputSurfaceFormat^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Path)Reads a single AvlNet::Path^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PathFittingField)Reads a single AvlNet::PathFittingField^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PCAModel)Reads a single AvlNet::PCAModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PDF417Code)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::PDF417Code^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::PDF417CodeParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::PDF417DetectionParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PinholeCameraBasicParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::PinholeCameraBasicParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel)Reads a single AvlNet::PinholeCameraModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Pixel)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Pixel% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Plane3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Plane3D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Point2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Point2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Point3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Point3D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Reads a single AvlNet::Point3DGrid^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform)Reads a single AvlNet::PointCloudCoordinateTransform^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Position3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Position3D^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::PreSplitProcessingParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Profile)Reads a single AvlNet::Profile^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ProfileEdge)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ProfileEdge% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ProfileRidge)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ProfileRidge% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ProfileSection)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ProfileSection% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ProfileStripe)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ProfileStripe% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.QRCode)Reads a single AvlNet::QRCode^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::QuadraticFunction% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Range)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Range% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RangeThresholdParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::RangeThresholdParams% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ReadCharactersModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ReadCharactersModelId^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Rectangle2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RectificationMap)Reads a single AvlNet::RectificationMap^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RectificationTransform)Reads a single AvlNet::RectificationTransform^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Region)Reads a single AvlNet::Region^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::RegionProcessingParams% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Ridge1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Ridge1D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::RidgeScanParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::RidgeScanParams3D^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Ring2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Ring2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SamplingParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SamplingParams% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Segment2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Segment2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Segment3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Segment3D^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SegmentFittingField% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SegmentInstancesModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::SegmentInstancesModelId^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SegmentScanField)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SegmentScanField% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Reads a single AvlNet::ShapeRegion^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ShapeRegionDeprecated)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ShapeRegionDeprecated^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, float)Reads a single [Out] float% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Size)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Size% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Reads a single AvlNet::SpatialMap^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Sphere3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Sphere3D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SplittingParams)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SplittingParams% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, string)Reads a single [In, Out] System::String^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.StringLabel)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::StringLabel% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Stripe1D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::Stripe1D^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.StripeScanParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::StripeScanParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::StripeScanParams3D^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Surface)Reads a single AvlNet::Surface^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::SurfaceCoordinatesFormat^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SurfaceEdge1D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceExtremum)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SurfaceExtremum% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceFormat)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::SurfaceFormat^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceLocalExtremaVerification)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SurfaceLocalExtremaVerification% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::SurfaceRidge1D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::SurfaceStripe1D^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SvmModel)Reads a single AvlNet::SvmModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TelecentricCameraBasicParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::TelecentricCameraBasicParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TelecentricCameraModel)Reads a single AvlNet::TelecentricCameraModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Tensor)Reads a single AvlNet::Tensor^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TensorFormat)Reads a single AvlNet::TensorFormat^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TexemModel)Reads a single AvlNet::TexemModel^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TextSegmentation)Reads a single AvlNet::TextSegmentation^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TextSegmentationMethod)Reads a single AvlNet::TextSegmentationMethod^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TextThresholdingMethod)Reads a single AvlNet::TextThresholdingMethod^ value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ThresholdParams)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::ThresholdParams^% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ValueLimits)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ValueLimits% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::ValueLimits_f64% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Vector2D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Vector2D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Vector3D)Reads a single [Out] AvlNet::Vector3D% value from the given .
Read(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.WeaverModelId)Reads a single [In, Out] AvlNet::WeaverModelId^% value from the given .
Save(string, T)Saves an object to the AVData binary file with default compression.
Save(string, T, uint)Saves an object to the AVData binary file with user defined data compression.
ToString()Inherited from System.Object
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Anchor3D)Writes a single AvlNet::Anchor3D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D)Writes a single AvlNet::AnnotatedPoint2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.AnyCameraModel)Writes a single AvlNet::AnyCameraModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Arc2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Arc2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ArcFittingField)Writes a single AvlNet::ArcFittingField^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Barcode)Writes a single AvlNet::Barcode^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams)Writes a single AvlNet::BarcodeDetectionParams to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BarcodeGrades)Writes a single AvlNet::BarcodeGrades^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BarcodeGradingDiagnostic)Writes a single AvlNet::BarcodeGradingDiagnostic to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BarcodeLength)Writes a single AvlNet::BarcodeLength to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BarcodeParams)Writes a single AvlNet::BarcodeParams to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams)Writes a single AvlNet::BlobSplittingParams to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, bool)Writes a single bool to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Box)Writes a single AvlNet::Box to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Box3D)Writes a single AvlNet::Box3D^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ByteBuffer)Writes a single AvlNet::ByteBuffer^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CharacterFeatures)Writes a single AvlNet::CharacterFeatures^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CharacterSample)Writes a single AvlNet::CharacterSample^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Circle2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Circle2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Circle3D)Writes a single AvlNet::Circle3D^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CircleFittingField)Writes a single AvlNet::CircleFittingField to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ClassConfidence)Writes a single AvlNet::ClassConfidence to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ClassifiedRectangle)Writes a single AvlNet::ClassifiedRectangle^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ClassifyObjectModelId)Writes a single AvlNet::ClassifyObjectModelId^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CodabarParameters)Writes a single AvlNet::CodabarParameters^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters)Writes a single AvlNet::CodeDetectionParameters^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ColorThresholdParams)Writes a single AvlNet::ColorThresholdParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.COMModel)Writes a single AvlNet::COMModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.COMModelFull)Writes a single AvlNet::COMModelFull^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ConfusionTable)Writes a single AvlNet::ConfusionTable^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Writes a single AvlNet::CoordinateSystem2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.CudaDevice)Writes a single AvlNet::CudaDevice^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DataCode)Writes a single AvlNet::DataCode^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DataMatrix)Writes a single AvlNet::DataMatrix^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams)Writes a single AvlNet::DataMatrixCodeParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams)Writes a single AvlNet::DataMatrixDetectionParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DatamatrixParameters)Writes a single AvlNet::DatamatrixParameters to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DetectAnomalies1ModelId)Writes a single AvlNet::DetectAnomalies1ModelId^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DetectAnomalies2ModelId)Writes a single AvlNet::DetectAnomalies2ModelId^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DetectFeaturesModelId)Writes a single AvlNet::DetectFeaturesModelId^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, double)Writes a single double to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Writes a single AvlNet::DrawingStyle^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.DynamicThresholdParams)Writes a single AvlNet::DynamicThresholdParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Edge1D)Writes a single AvlNet::Edge1D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate)Writes a single AvlNet::EdgeGoldenTemplate^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.EdgeModel)Writes a single AvlNet::EdgeModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.EdgeModel2)Writes a single AvlNet::EdgeModel2^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams)Writes a single AvlNet::EdgeScanParams to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D)Writes a single AvlNet::EdgeScanParams3D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Ellipse2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Ellipse2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Extremum1D)Writes a single AvlNet::Extremum1D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Extremum2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Extremum2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.FeatureClass)Writes a single AvlNet::FeatureClass^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Gap1D)Writes a single AvlNet::Gap1D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GoldenTemplate2Model)Writes a single AvlNet::GoldenTemplate2Model^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GoPointPlot)Writes a single AvlNet::GoPointPlot^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GoProfile)Writes a single AvlNet::GoProfile^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate)Writes a single AvlNet::GrayGoldenTemplate^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GrayModel)Writes a single AvlNet::GrayModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.GrayModel2)Writes a single AvlNet::GrayModel2^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Hash)Writes a single AvlNet::Hash to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Heatmap)Writes a single AvlNet::Heatmap^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Histogram)Writes a single AvlNet::Histogram^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.HistogramExtremum)Writes a single AvlNet::HistogramExtremum to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.HoughCircle)Writes a single AvlNet::HoughCircle^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Image)Writes a single AvlNet::Image^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ImageFormat)Writes a single AvlNet::ImageFormat to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ImageLocalExtremaVerification)Writes a single AvlNet::ImageLocalExtremaVerification to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ImageLocationCoordinateTransform)Writes a single AvlNet::ImageLocationCoordinateTransform to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ImageValueCoordinateTransform)Writes a single AvlNet::ImageValueCoordinateTransform^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, int)Writes a single int to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, long)Writes a single System::Int64 to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams)Writes a single AvlNet::IntensityThresholdParams to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Interval)Writes a single AvlNet::Interval to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.KNNModel)Writes a single AvlNet::KNNModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LabeledPoint2D)Writes a single AvlNet::LabeledPoint2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LensDistortion)Writes a single AvlNet::LensDistortion^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Line2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Line2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Line3D)Writes a single AvlNet::Line3D^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LinearFunction)Writes a single AvlNet::LinearFunction to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LineScanCameraBasicParams)Writes a single AvlNet::LineScanCameraBasicParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LineScanCameraModel)Writes a single AvlNet::LineScanCameraModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocalBlindness)Writes a single AvlNet::LocalBlindness to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocateObjectsModelId)Writes a single AvlNet::LocateObjectsModelId^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocatePointsModelId)Writes a single AvlNet::LocatePointsModelId^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocateTextDeployHint)Writes a single AvlNet::LocateTextDeployHint to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocateTextModelId)Writes a single AvlNet::LocateTextModelId^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.LocateTextResult)Writes a single AvlNet::LocateTextResult to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Location)Writes a single AvlNet::Location to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ManyCodeSettings)Writes a single AvlNet::ManyCodeSettings to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Matrix)Writes a single AvlNet::Matrix^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.MlpModel)Writes a single AvlNet::MlpModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Object2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Object2D^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrCandidate)Writes a single AvlNet::OcrCandidate to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrDeployHint)Writes a single AvlNet::OcrDeployHint to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrMlpModel)Writes a single AvlNet::OcrMlpModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrModel)Writes a single AvlNet::OcrModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrResult)Writes a single AvlNet::OcrResult^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OcrSvmModel)Writes a single AvlNet::OcrSvmModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.OutputSurfaceFormat)Writes a single AvlNet::OutputSurfaceFormat^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Path)Writes a single AvlNet::Path^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PathFittingField)Writes a single AvlNet::PathFittingField^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PCAModel)Writes a single AvlNet::PCAModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PDF417Code)Writes a single AvlNet::PDF417Code^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams)Writes a single AvlNet::PDF417CodeParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams)Writes a single AvlNet::PDF417DetectionParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PinholeCameraBasicParams)Writes a single AvlNet::PinholeCameraBasicParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel)Writes a single AvlNet::PinholeCameraModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Pixel)Writes a single AvlNet::Pixel to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Plane3D)Writes a single AvlNet::Plane3D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Point2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Point2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Point3D)Writes a single AvlNet::Point3D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Writes a single AvlNet::Point3DGrid^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform)Writes a single AvlNet::PointCloudCoordinateTransform^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Position3D)Writes a single AvlNet::Position3D^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams)Writes a single AvlNet::PreSplitProcessingParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Profile)Writes a single AvlNet::Profile^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ProfileEdge)Writes a single AvlNet::ProfileEdge to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ProfileRidge)Writes a single AvlNet::ProfileRidge to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ProfileSection)Writes a single AvlNet::ProfileSection to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ProfileStripe)Writes a single AvlNet::ProfileStripe to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.QRCode)Writes a single AvlNet::QRCode^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction)Writes a single AvlNet::QuadraticFunction to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Range)Writes a single AvlNet::Range to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RangeThresholdParams)Writes a single AvlNet::RangeThresholdParams to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ReadCharactersModelId)Writes a single AvlNet::ReadCharactersModelId^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Rectangle2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RectificationMap)Writes a single AvlNet::RectificationMap^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RectificationTransform)Writes a single AvlNet::RectificationTransform^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Region)Writes a single AvlNet::Region^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams)Writes a single AvlNet::RegionProcessingParams to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Ridge1D)Writes a single AvlNet::Ridge1D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams)Writes a single AvlNet::RidgeScanParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D)Writes a single AvlNet::RidgeScanParams3D^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Ring2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Ring2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SamplingParams)Writes a single AvlNet::SamplingParams to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Segment2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Segment2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Segment3D)Writes a single AvlNet::Segment3D^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField)Writes a single AvlNet::SegmentFittingField to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SegmentInstancesModelId)Writes a single AvlNet::SegmentInstancesModelId^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SegmentScanField)Writes a single AvlNet::SegmentScanField to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Writes a single AvlNet::ShapeRegion^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ShapeRegionDeprecated)Writes a single AvlNet::ShapeRegionDeprecated^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, float)Writes a single float to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Size)Writes a single AvlNet::Size to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Writes a single AvlNet::SpatialMap^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Sphere3D)Writes a single AvlNet::Sphere3D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SplittingParams)Writes a single AvlNet::SplittingParams to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, string)Writes a single System::String^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.StringLabel)Writes a single AvlNet::StringLabel to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Stripe1D)Writes a single AvlNet::Stripe1D^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.StripeScanParams)Writes a single AvlNet::StripeScanParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D)Writes a single AvlNet::StripeScanParams3D^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Surface)Writes a single AvlNet::Surface^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat)Writes a single AvlNet::SurfaceCoordinatesFormat^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D)Writes a single AvlNet::SurfaceEdge1D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceExtremum)Writes a single AvlNet::SurfaceExtremum to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceFormat)Writes a single AvlNet::SurfaceFormat^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceLocalExtremaVerification)Writes a single AvlNet::SurfaceLocalExtremaVerification to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D)Writes a single AvlNet::SurfaceRidge1D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D)Writes a single AvlNet::SurfaceStripe1D^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.SvmModel)Writes a single AvlNet::SvmModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, T)Writes a single enum value to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TelecentricCameraBasicParams)Writes a single AvlNet::TelecentricCameraBasicParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TelecentricCameraModel)Writes a single AvlNet::TelecentricCameraModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Tensor)Writes a single AvlNet::Tensor^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TensorFormat)Writes a single AvlNet::TensorFormat^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TexemModel)Writes a single AvlNet::TexemModel^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TextSegmentation)Writes a single AvlNet::TextSegmentation^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TextSegmentationMethod)Writes a single AvlNet::TextSegmentationMethod^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.TextThresholdingMethod)Writes a single AvlNet::TextThresholdingMethod^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ThresholdParams)Writes a single AvlNet::ThresholdParams^ to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ValueLimits)Writes a single AvlNet::ValueLimits to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64)Writes a single AvlNet::ValueLimits_f64 to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Vector2D)Writes a single AvlNet::Vector2D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.Vector3D)Writes a single AvlNet::Vector3D to the given stream.
Write(System.IO.Stream, AvlNet.WeaverModelId)Writes a single AvlNet::WeaverModelId^ to the given stream.


See also