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DataMatrixCodeParams Class


Specifies range of possible data matrix codes.


DataMatrixCodeParams(Nullable<CodePolarity>, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Single, Single, Nullable<DataMatrixGapSize>, Nullable<Single>, Single, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Nullable<DataMatrixDistortionLevel>, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
DataMatrixCodeParams(DataMatrixCodeParams)Creates a deep copy of the passed object.


AllowBrokenFinderSystem.BooleanTries to create a candidate even if there are gaps in the Finder Pattern
AllowBrokenTimingSystem.BooleanTries to decode a candidate even if there is no correct Timing Pattern
AllowDistortionSystem.Nullable<AvlNet.DataMatrixDistortionLevel>Allows codes which are distorted
AllowMirroredSystem.BooleanAllows codes to be mirrored/transposed.
AllowOversizedModulesSystem.BooleanAllows codes with foreground modules overlapping background modules
AllowPerspectiveSystem.BooleanAllows codes with perspective distortion (up to a certain level)
AllowRotationSystem.BooleanAllows codes rotated in relation to the axes of the input image
ExpectedGapSizeSystem.Nullable<AvlNet.DataMatrixGapSize>Highest distance between neighboring marks in the Finder Pattern
MaxColumnCountSystem.Int32Maximal number of module columns
MaxModuleSizeSystem.SingleMaximal size of a module in pixels
MaxRectangleRatioSystem.Nullable<System.Single>Length ratio between the longer and the shorter side of the code's bounding rectangle
MaxRowCountSystem.Int32Maximal number of module rows
MaxSlantSystem.SingleMaximal deviation from the right angle in the corner of the Finder Pattern
MinColumnCountSystem.Int32Minimal number of module columns
MinModuleSizeSystem.SingleMinimal size of a module in pixels
MinRowCountSystem.Int32Minimal number of module rows
PolaritySystem.Nullable<AvlNet.CodePolarity>Specifies whether code is darker or brighter than the background


Dispose()Disposes underlying unmanaged resources. See MSDN documentation for IDisposable interface for more info.
Equals(object)Inherited from System.Object
Equals(AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams)
GetHashCode()Inherited from System.Object
GetType()Inherited from System.Object
Reset(AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams)Resets this instance with data of the other DataMatrixCodeParams object.
ToString()Inherited from System.Object


See also