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AVS.AdjustPointGrids3DGlobal Method

Aligns (rotation + translation) a point grid to match best the reference point grid using a global registration algorithm.



public static void AdjustPointGrids3DGlobal
	AvlNet.Point3DGrid inPoints,
	AvlNet.Point3DGrid inReferencePoints,
	int inSampleCount,
	float inOverlap,
	float inDeltaCorrection,
	float? inMaxAngle,
	float? inMaxTranslationDistance,
	int? inSeed,
	AvlNet.Point3DGrid outAlignedPoints,
	AvlNet.Matrix outAlignment,
	out float outDelta


Name Type Range Default Description
inPointsAvlNet.Point3DGridData points to be aligned, may contain background clutter.
inReferencePointsAvlNet.Point3DGridReference points to align to, may contain background clutter.
inSampleCountint<1, INF>500Number of random samples used by the registration algorithm. Recommended values are from 200 to several thousands. Default value: 500.
inOverlapfloat<0.0f, 1.0f>0.8fDefines the estimated overlap between two input grids (0 = no overlap, 1.0 = every point in inPoints is also in inReferencePoints). Default value: 0.8f.
inDeltaCorrectionfloat<0.0f, INF>9.3fDefines the accuracy of the final alignment. With smaller delta the amount of allocated memory increases. Default value: 9.3f.
inMaxAnglefloat?<0.0f, 360.0f>Limits the maximum rotation angle of the final transform. Default value: atl::NIL.
inMaxTranslationDistancefloat?<0.0f, INF>Limits the length of the translation vector of the final transform. Default value: atl::NIL.
inSeedint?Seed for a random generator used by the algorithm. Default value: atl::NIL.
outAlignedPointsAvlNet.Point3DGridThe aligned input points.
outAlignmentAvlNet.MatrixThe transform that aligns best the input points to the reference points.
outDeltafloatReturns estimated value of the parameter delta.

Function Overrides

See also