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Header: ThirdPartySdk.h
Namespace: avl
Module: ThirdParty

Starts watchdog timer countdown on a Neousys computer.


void avl::Neousys_StartWatchdogTimer
	Neousys_State& ioState


Name Type Default Description
Input will be modified
ioState Neousys_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.


I/O device driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with a device using its vendor SDK. To be able to connect to a device, it may be required to install WDT_DIO drivers and SDK.

WDT_DIO can be downloaded from the following website:

Add DLL path to system environment variable may be required.

Recommended WDT_DIO version for Aurora Vision Studio usage is 2.3.1.


Before you use this filter make sure that your Neousys device has a watchdog unit.


When the watchdog unit is initialized it's default countdown value is set to 255 seconds.


When the program exits watchdog unit is always stopped and its parameters are set to default, so make sure to keep the program running when it encounters an error that should trigger the watchdog unit.


Neousys Watchdog Timer and Digital I/O support is not provided when using 32-bit Aurora Vision on a 64-bit operating system. Please use 64-bit Aurora Vision in such a case.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
IoError Could not start watchdog timer.

See Also