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Header: ThirdPartySdk.h
Namespace: avl
Module: ThirdParty

Reads the coil data table in local memory for data received from a Modbus controller.


void avl::Matrox_Modbus_ReadCoils
	Matrox_State& ioState,
	atl::Optional<const avl::MatroxSystemAndDeviceIdentifier&> inDeviceID,
	const atl::Optional<atl::String>& inInstanceName,
	int inOffset,
	int inCount,
	atl::Array<bool>& outValues


Name Type Range Default Description
Input will be modified
ioState Matrox_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
Input value
inDeviceID Optional<const MatroxSystemAndDeviceIdentifier&> NIL Device identification.
Input value
inInstanceName const Optional<String>& NIL Instance name of a given Industrial Communication protocol set in the MILConfig utility.
Input value
inOffset int 0 - 65535 Offset from which to start reading the data in the specified data table.
Input value
inCount int 1 - 2000 Amount of the data to read.
Output value
outValues Array<bool>& Received values.