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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl
Module: FoundationLite

Filter reads a data from the selected offline dataset.


void avl::ReadFilmstrip


The ReadFilmstrip filter exposes items of the Filmstrip Channel that is bound to it. Channel items are available at the filter's outputs. Each Channel item is returned in consecutive iterations.

The output data types and output count available in the ReadFilmstrip filter depends from the bound Channel type. There is always at least one output of the same type as the bound Channel and name in format:

out<channel name>

e.g., outImage for the channel with name Image.

For the data types, for which channel items are stored in the external files, e.g. Image, Region, Path, etc., the ReadFilmstrip additionally exposes, two extra outputs, which provides the information about the file name and file path of the current data item. The file-related outputs are hidden by default. Both of them are String outputs.