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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl
Module: Calibration

Detects a chessboard on the image, and returns the points where 4 chessboard squares meet.

Applications: Preparation of data required for creating image undistortion map.


void avl::DetectChessboardGrid_Deprecated
	const avl::Image& inImage,
	int inChessboardWidth,
	int inChessboardHeight,
	const avl::Point3D& inGridOrigin,
	float inSquareDimension,
	bool inAdaptiveThresholding,
	bool inImageNormalization,
	bool inAdditionalFiltering,
	bool inPresenceCheck,
	bool inSubpixelRefinement,
	atl::Conditional<atl::Array<avl::Point2D> >& outImageGridPoints,
	atl::Conditional<atl::Array<avl::Point3D> >& outWorldGridPoints


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value
inImage const Image& Input image
Input value
inChessboardWidth int 4 - Number of ranks (columns) of the chessboard
Input value
inChessboardHeight int 4 - Number of files (rows) of the chessboard
Input value
inGridOrigin const Point3D& Real-world coordinates of top-left grid point
Input value
inSquareDimension float 0.0 - 1.0f Real-world length of a single chessboard square (mm)
Input value
inAdaptiveThresholding bool Use adaptive thresholding instead of a global threshold of average
Input value
inImageNormalization bool Normalize input image using histogram equalization prior to detection
Input value
inAdditionalFiltering bool Use more criteria for eliminating false chessboards
Input value
inPresenceCheck bool Perform a fast approximate test of chessboard presence before locating it
Input value
inSubpixelRefinement bool If corners are found, post-process them to improve precision
Output value
outImageGridPoints Conditional<Array<Point2D> >&
Output value
outWorldGridPoints Conditional<Array<Point3D> >& Corresponding 3D (World) points, generated from grid origin and square dimension


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Empty inImage in DetectChessboardGrid.
DomainError Error in DetectChessboardGrid: Error message
DomainError Error in DetectChessboardGrid:Error message